Saturday, December 28, 2013 a [LENGTHY] glance

Hello friends!

We decided to go "green" (but really? lazy) this year and do this instead of a card. Warning: it's a long one! I'm not usually one for long updates but we've had an eventful year. Thought you might like to hear about it. If you hate words, you can skip to the pics below.

A little over a year ago, we left our longtime home of Boston (12 years!) and moved west. We did a 6 month stint in AZ (Mike's parents graciously took us in while we figured out our next step) and then moved to Colorado, sort of on a whim. We took a plunge and hoped for the best.

And I'm happy to say, we feel like "the best" is what we got. We are living in a great rental home in Centennial (south of Denver), near friends new and old.

Jonah (5) has started Kindergarten and LOVES it. He attends a fantastic school with great teachers who "get" him and his little quirks. His progress in the past few months has blown us away. He is reading and writing and loves learning.

George (2) is very happy here, is talking and being crazy like the George we love, and enjoys the space we have now for him to roam (space that is only considerable by Boston standards, but we sure appreciate it!). Favorite phrase is "WOOK-a-ME!" and we indeed find ourselves looking at him quite a lot. He adds so much [spunk, life, fill in the blank] to our family.

Marissa (age unknown): I have continued working for the same company in Cambridge, MA as a remote employee. It's been a huge blessing that they allowed me to keep my job when we left. I've loved getting to know our neighbors (even a babysitter right next door!) and volunteering at Jonah's school (it's not spying if you're volunteering). Also I started watching Dr. Who so that takes up a lot of my time these days.

Mike (age old) has found a steady stream of freelance work through a new acquaintance here, and is happy to be back doing what he loves--media, film editing, post production work. He has been on a few film shoots in the area, and did one of those 48 hr filmmaking festivals and had a great time. But mostly he loves having a garage to do all his woodworking, and has already completed a seriously impressive list of projects.

Mike and I share the load around here pretty equally, and we've found a rhythm that works well for our family. We both work from home part time and juggle that with trips to/from school, caring for George, and keeping the household running (somewhat) smoothly. It can be tricky, but it suits us. We wouldn't be sad if Mike got full time work at some point, but for now, George certainly loves having so much time with Daddy, who is kind of his favorite. (Seriously I picked him up the other day and he looked me in the face and said "I pick Daddy.")

We are so happy to be several states closer to family on both sides and are psyched about the shorter trips and cheaper airfare! We've been able to take some great trips this year to Utah, Arizona, Texas, California, Idaho, and Georgia and to spend priceless quality time with so many people we love. It has been amazing, truly.

Oh, and one more thing--that whole baby situation! We are expecting a baby girl on January 31 and are so excited both to meet her and to close out the family building portion of our lives.

Seriously, I'm so over pregnancy, people. #kiddingnotkidding

We have been blessed beyond measure, and I mean that with all the sincerity in my heart. Last year was a rough one for us, but I'm truly grateful for what it taught me, and the last 6 months have made up for it tenfold. Despite the sadness of leaving a place we had come to love so much (really, Jonah still talks about Boston on the regular), we love living here, have made some amazing friends, and are so grateful to continue to enjoy the friendship of all of you. I've become ever more grateful for Facebook and Instagram this year.

So much change, but so, so much good.

We welcome visitors any time! Seriously, I better not find out you came through CO and didn't call us.

Much much love to you all,
Marissa-with-child, Mike, Jonah, and George

One last Boston family pic

George being George, AZ
Papa's old Bonneville, AZ

Car upgrade, AZ
 Main St. Mesa, AZ
Palm Springs, CA
First day of school, CO
Brothers gotta hug
Loving the back yard in CO
Sensory overload at the Tabernacle, UT
4th of July, CO
Chilling at the storage unit, mid-move CO
Cheesing it up at the Firefighter Museum, CO


  1. Awesome Marissa! We sure miss you guys but the fact that you're so happy makes it a little more OK. Happy New Year to the totally rockin Turley-Benson family!!

  2. Great update...I think that I will copy you and send out one of my own! Love the pictures!

  3. It makes me so happy to read this! I feel pretty darn lucky to be on the "receiving end" of the TurleyBensons and lament for those Bostonians who lost you. Clearly the moral of the story is that everyone should move to Colorado. So happy that you did!
